01/12/2020 — ‘N-ice!’ posts and Deleting posts

2 min readDec 4, 2020

So that users can appreciate each others posts and delete posts that they no longer wish to share, we thought it would be interesting to see how we could integrate this functionality in to our app.

‘N-ice!’ posts


We began by creating a ‘Like’ function in our posts.js controller file:

‘Like’ function — posts.js controller file

Our ‘like’ function needs to firstly check and log the user that liked the post, and secondly, update the number of likes on that post. Javascript cannot do two things at once so we created two Promise functions to ensure that both functions are completed before finally displaying the outcome.

‘N-ice!’ post function

Deleting posts

This function was a little less complicated to implement. We added the delete function to our profile.js controller file as we only wanted to allow users to have the ability to delete their own posts.

The .deleteOne method in Mongoose allows us to search the database for a particular post and remove that data from the relevant field so it will no longer be displayed on the webpage:

Delete function — profile.js controller file

This gives the user the ability to delete a post in their profile page:

Deleting posts in the user profile page

